Holyday’s fired up comments came during a down and dirty debate over contracting out cleaners. In the end, councillors lined up against Holyday and Mayor Rob Ford, voting to endorse a bid by Councillor Ana Bailao for council to have oversight over cleaning contracts no matter how small they are.
The move was seen by some as an attempt to try to tie the Ford’s administration’s hands when it comes to pushing ahead with contracting out more cleaning jobs.
CUPE Local 79 president Tim Maguire was on hand to watch the debate. After the vote, Councillor Gord Perks went over and very publicly shook Maguire’s hand to further frustrate Holyday.
Before the vote, Holyday said the fight shows what is wrong with the management of the city, that “councillors won’t make a basic management decision to provide service in the most efficient way.”
Although Ford has “come as close (as any right-wing mayor) to getting control” of City Hall, Holyday said the problem is the duly elected councillors who “get down here because they win an NDP nomination to be a councillor.”
“My advice to the taxpayer would be don’t send us anymore activists, don’t send us anymore unionists, don’t send us anymore cyclists,” Holyday said.
“Send us some people down here with good common sense who just want to manage the city’s affairs, that’s what’s needed.”
Bailao’s motion approved by council called for a report on the contracting out of Toronto Police station cleaning and to bring any further cleaning contracts to council’s government management committee and city council rather than the bid committee - which is manned by city staff rather than politicians.
Holyday said the group was simply trying to protect union jobs.
“There is just no logical reason for us to be paying $64,000 to people to do cleaning when out in the real world you could get it for less than $50,000,” Holyday said.
Bailao, who cleaned office buildings as a part-time job when she came to Canada as a teenager alongside her mother, said her motion “wasn’t about contracting out or not.”
“It’s not about protecting union jobs, it is about protecting an industry that I’m very familiar with and I know that it is an industry that is very vulnerable,” she said.
Asked about Holyday’s comments, Bailao said she’s fine with being labelled an activist.
“I’m pretty confident my community will feel very confident in re-electing an activist that fights for what she believes and what is important for our community,” she said.
Several other councillors chalked Holyday’s words up to crankiness over losing votes.
“We represent our communities, we reflect our communities,” Councillor Paula Fletcher said.
Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong said taking the power to award contracts away from the bid committee could be problematic.
“To send it back to a political committee means you’ll get a political result which may not be in the best interests of the taxpayer,” he said.
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