Friday, November 11, 2011

The rumours are true, Canadians really don't like Toronto



If it feels a little unseasonably warm in Toronto these days, it could be heat rising from the collective disdain of Canadians.

At least that's if you believe a recent poll suggesting if there is a city in this fair nation that its fairer folk sniff at, it's The Big Smoke.

On behalf of the National Capital Commission and the Association of Canadian Studies, Leger Marketing queried more than 2,000 Canadians about which cities give them the warm and fuzzes and which leave them cold, ranking them from "very positive" and "somewhat positive" to "somewhat negative" or "very negative."

Nineteen per cent of respondents gave the cold shoulder to Toronto, a stat that was significantly beefed up by strong sneer from Albertans, 30 per cent of whom didn't have much love to show the Ontario capital. Manitoba and Saskatchewan checked in with 27 per cent hostility, and distance made hearts grow slightly fonder in B.C., where 23 per cent had beef with Hogtown.

If Torontonians want somewhere to cast an envious gaze, they need only crane their necks to the north, where Ottawa sits on a top-ranked approval of 82 per cent, followed closely by the twin jewels of Victoria and Vancouver at 81 per cent. The B.C. capital earned a slight edge over its provincial rival by getting the thumbs down from a mere four per cent of respondents.

However, if it's the comfort of a fellow misfit municipality Toronto residents crave, there is common cause in Montreal, which finished the race to be the least liked at a respectable 18 per cent.

Other cities in the survey included Halifax, Calgary, Quebec City and Edmonton.

The poll was conducted between Sept. 20 and Oct. 3 with a margin of error of two points, 19 times out of 20.

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